Call now to find out how: 919-776-7737 



If you're looking for accuracy, performance, reliability and durability but you don't want to be bothered with having to maintain and store all the equipment throughout the year, then a scale rental plan might be a great choice for you. 

You receive high quality digital scales that you can use for a one week period, or maybe you need the scales for a few weeks or maybe a few months. Not a problem, contact our sales team today and they will be happy to provide you with a rental quote on the perfect scale for your situation.

If you only need scales during inventory or peak-use periods, a rental plan may be the right solution for you. You also save maintenance and storage costs while selecting the exact scales needed from our extensive inventory. We can help you choose the right scale choices for your individual rental requirements. The results will help you achieve an accurate and efficient physical inventory.

Renting alleviates maintenance and service issues. When you rent, you get all of the conveniences of ownership and none of the hassles. Rental scales reduce the time required to count or weigh inventory.

Rentals free up your employees providing for more productivity. They help employers get their business operation back to normal more quickly and easily while eliminating maintenance costs. Finally, with the economic conditions currently in such a slump, rental scales eliminate the need of extending additional capital investments.

Give us a call at 919-776-7737 to setup your rental for this quarter. Our scales will help you save time and money. Your employees will actually enjoy the process and it will make the entire process quicker and allow you to get back to what you do best.