Call now to find out how: 919-776-7737

Some of What We RENT:

Our Company at a Glance

  • Same day processing - normally within a few hours
  • High Quality Brand Name Scales
  • Friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable staff
  • Personal account manager
  • Safety First tips for you and your business
  • Free assistance and consultation
  • Scale rental explained at your fingertips
  • Discounts on rental scales (bulk orders)
  • Dedicated online resources
  • Discounts when you order more than one rental per year
  • Business packages

Knowledge Base

Some of the Benefits You Will Enjoy Include:

Here at, we are dedicated to you and all your different weighing needs.

We've been around for over 35 years and we've won many awards and accolades from our customers for providing high quality scales and superior service. But, our most important win is making you a happy, life-long customer. 

Taking Care of Your Business

It's hard to know just how your business needs for accurate weighing and what scales you should be renting. But don't worry, contact us and we will answer your questions.

Choosing Your Supplier

We know it's often hard to figure out how to determine what type of scale you should get and what type of benefits roll along with it, but now it's easier than ever to determine what to get.